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Información sobre CPR Brains International School Arturo Soria

CPR Brains International School Arturo Soria. San Blas-Canillejas. Madrid (Centro Privado)

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Críticas, reseñas, reputación Brains International School Arturo Soria

Mon Mar 01 11:06:43 UTC 2021

I was surprised my 6-year-old child came home and talked about the relationships, affection behaviours and alternative marriages, until I read the compulsory Spanish reading book from the school which called "El Libro de las emociones para niñas y niños" by Gemma Lienas. By chance, I checked the writer's Wikipedia profile. My Spanish is not very good, can anyone explain me what do these books mean:
No ficción
1. Vivir sin ellos, los hombres no son imprescindibles - Ed. Apóstrofe, 1996.
2. Rebels, ni putes ni submises (catalán) / Rebeldes, ni putas ni sumisas - Ed. Empúries, 2005 / Ed. Península, 2005.
3. Quiero ser puta. Contra la regulación del comercio sexual / Vull ser puta. Contra la regularització de la prostitució - Ed. Península / Ed. Empúries, 2006.
4. Pornografia i vestits de núvia (catalán) / Pornografía y vestidos de novia - Ed. Empúries / Ed. Península, 2007.

Mon Apr 19 21:52:49 UTC 2021

Hi Lily,

I dont think you should be worried. The writer is a well Known feminist. And the books that you included in your comment are not for kids and talk about the role of women in our society. The teacher is probably focusing on the other book that you mentioned, the one about the emotions.


P.s. I'm dont work for the school. I Was Just checking this site because I'm looking for schools for my little kid.

Tue May 25 11:55:00 UTC 2021

This writer Gemma Lienas is also a politician and was a deputy in Catalonia by Podemos, which is a far left party. This book about emotions has as background stories about alternative family models and even a kid who is not sure about his gender. I find this content totally inappropriate for 6 or 7 year old kids. There is a clear line between being tolerant and respect people who are different and teaching gender ideology to small kids, who are not prepared for this kind of information. Eventually you will see some teachers wearing masks with LGTBI flags or giving as homework a sheet with a photo from political activist Greta Thunberg. In Brains school social media you can see sexual education to teenagers is given by an external association which speaks about gender identity or they publish a video by secondary school students about economy from a socialist perspective. This shows that the school is clearly positioning itself politically on the left. They are on their right to do it, but parents who are more conservative or do not wish ideology or left-wing mantras to be in the classes should not bring their kids to Brains schools.

Academically speaking this depends on the teachers. Some are experienced and motivated and try to keep a good level, but others are not and this eventually affects the academic level of students. All schools in Madrid make an official test in Primary 3 and 6 and last results by this school were rather low in some classes. No surprise they do not publish them in their web as other schools which are more successful in this area. Charging so high school fees they should pay more attention to this.

Although the school pretends to be international, there are very few foreign students. In the early years there were several Indians or Asia-Pacific kids, but many left.

There are other bilingual schools in the area with higher academical level, better facilities and that do not dare to become so political. Unless you are very liberal I would not recommend to bring your kids to this school.
Thu Apr 30 23:45:51 UTC 2020

Sobre todo alumbrado ,pero no por la luz,de sus instalaciones,sino por los lumbreras de sus propietarios ,que se aprovechan de la crisis ,y sin piedad siguen cobrando la misma cuota sin rebajar ni un céntimo ,sin corazón alguno ni piedad siguen adelante sin preguntar ,caiga quien caiga ,,esta mal,muy mal fatal ,me temo que habéis ya llegado a lo más bajo y ruin ,el fango sería un lujo para vosotros ,y responsables

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